Topic: "The Peaceful Rise of CHINA"
London School of Economics
Speackers: Fan Gang, Director, National Economic Research Institute, Beijing; and Lin Chun, LSE
About The iXXi Briefings:
The iXXi briefings are private breakfast conversations chaired by Lord Desai to which around 40 distinguished people are invited. Two speakers at each session talk for 15 minutes each before the discussion is opened to the group. Renowned LSE experts and prominent people from around the world share their thoughts in private with a diverse group of insightful, influential people. Chatham House Rules apply: opinions expressed may be reported but not attributed.
iXXi, which stands for 9/11, began after the terrorist attacks in 2001. LSE felt there was a demand for immediate intellectual analysis of the changing world.
Although it's over three years since September 11 2001, the breakfasts remain extremely popular. The focus has broadened to include other areas in which LSE has a special capacity. iXXi is an opportunity to exhibit the School's resources and enables us to reach the eminent leaders of communities with whom the School hopes to engage.
Posted By: Dr. C.J. Reiss, Member/Participant, London School of Economics European Institute